11+ English Syllabus
We aim to give our students Grade-5 English skills by the end of Year-5 and strictly follow National-curriculum to cover following topics:
- Grade-5 Comprehension Lesson
- Grade-5 - Comprehensive Grammar Lesson
- Objective "Short & Long" Story writing Lesson focusing on effective use of "Adjective, Adverb & Relative- Pronouns".
- Vocabulary Building also known as Anagram
11+ Maths Syllabus
We aim to give our students Grade-6 level and strictly follow National-curriculum to cover following topics:
- Integer - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division.
- Integer - Place Value (upto 99999)
- Percentage, Decimal Numbers, Angle Properties
- Algebra, Ratio, Fraction-number, Mode, Median & Range
- Unit Conversion, Time Clock & Word Problems
- Enequaities, Shapes, Symmetry, Reflection & Reasoning
- Square-root & Complex Word-Problem
Verbal Reasoning & Non Verbal Reasoning
- We introduce extensive Vocabulary program to our students from Year-3.
- Our students taste first time Verbal-reasoning questions in Year4 and practise over 10000 quesitons.
- Year-5 students build their skill of Verbal-reasoning by practising over 20000 questions throughout the year.
- We introduce Non-Verbal Reasoning when our students are in Year-6 which helps them in 11+ Exams scheuled in November/December.
11+ Mock Exams
We start training our students from April for better scoring in 11+ Exams.
- Mock Tests are introduced in the month of April. The results of 1st Mock Test are extremely important to plan for future lesson.
- Mock Exams are closely matched with Real-time exam.
- Our students go through 40+ mock Exams before they take their official 11+ Exams.